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De Omnibus Dubitandum - Lux Veritas

Saturday, February 10, 2018

How to Really Hamstring the Establishment

By Larry Klayman WND February 9, 2018
I have spent the last week — as I have many before in the last several years since I left this town to run for the U.S. Senate in Florida — in Washington, D.C. The gray clouds that hovered over our nation's capital for the last several days, coupled with the cold temperatures, reminded me why I remain a proud citizen of Florida, a state that not only has sunshine and warmth, but a sense of optimism to life. The District of Columbia, however, seems, despite the breath of fresh air emanating from our brave and undaunted iconoclastic president, always to have a dark evil cloud hanging over it.

That dark evil cloud stems from the lack of honesty and forthrightness of the ruling political establishment class, which if they did not have low class they would have no class at all. Minute by minute in this capital of corruption a giant charade plays out, today amplified by the 24/7 news cycle in cable news, a fraud that something meaningful is about to happen in terms of restoring our system of justice and indeed equal justice under the rule of law Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, Madison and our other Founding Fathers pledged their honor and risked their fortunes and lives to create............Continue Reading.....

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